- 30g nduja
- 250g passata or chopped tomatoes
- Cream or crème fresh
- Honey
- Salt
- Fresh basil leaves
- Parmesan
- Chilli flakes (optional if you want extra spice)
- 350g Tortiglioni pasta
Step by Step Instructions
Step 1
Boil water, add salt and add your pasta.
Step 2
While the pasta is cooking, add your nduja to a separate pan with a little bit of olive oil.
Step 3
Once the nduja has melted, add the tomatoes. Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
Step 4
Add a spoon of the pasta water to the sauce with a sprinkle of salt, a teaspoon of honey and some torn basil leaves. Also add chilli flakes for some extra spice if you want to.
Step 5
Add a tablespoon of cream or crème fresh to the sauce and grate plenty of parmesan in there too.
Step 6
Drain the pasta, saving a bit of pasta water to add to the sauce.
Step 7
Add the pasta to the sauce, if it’s too thick add a little bit more pasta water.